Agiculture and Breeding Project Loans

There are two types of loan available for the agricultural and animal husbandry sectors. These are either fund-resourced (government-supported) or bank-resourced.

Fund-resourced (government-supported) loans are made available to the agricultural and animal husbandry sectors at certain times determined by the government. As these types of loans are not available continuously, details should be requested from our branches.

Project loans for farmers and producers are supplied as finance in the areas listed below:

  • Building and modernisation of pens,
  • Establishment of cold-chain systems,
  • Establishment of milking systems,
  • Purchase and set-up of machinery and equipment used in agriculture or animal husbandry,
  • Supply of electrical infrastructure for water wells to be used for agriculture and animal husbandry,
  • Boat and equipment purchase for fishing,
  • Business capital loan: Capital loan for the purchase and operation of greenhouse equipment,

Fund-resourced loans are in Turkish lira and are made for a maximum of five years.
The payments can be made according to a flexible repayment plan, with monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual options.
The loaned amount is paid directly by the bank to the seller or the supplier after the presentation of the invoice.