Non-Cash Loans

It is the type of credit which guarantees in a letter that a certain amount will be unconditionally paid when a commitment is not fulfilled of a good in favor of real or juridical persons resident either within or without the country, or undertaking a task, or payment of a debt on due date.

Your need for a letter of guarantee either in TL or foreign currency is met on time with Koopbank’s expert staff. Moreover, your transactions are quickly made possible and alternative financement methods are proposed thanks to a wide correspondent network in your foreign trade transactions and specialized marketing and operation staff in the foreign trade methods.

Letter of Guaranty in TL / Foreign Currency

  • Letter of Guaranties

    A Letter of Guarantee is a letter provided by a bank and commits the timely and fully accomplishment of a business deal. It is issued in favor of real and juridical persons resident either at home or abroad. It is addressed to counterpart persons or institutions for the delivery of a product or accomplishment of a business deal.

    The letter of guarantee stipulates a commitment in the amount stated in the letter for the compensation of any loss that the counterpart would encounter.

    A Letter of guarantee could be prepared for definite or indefinite terms based on the nature of the business. The companies are not charged with any interest payment. Rather, a letter of guarantee commission is charged once every three months (excluding special circumstances). Along with other additions this commission is calculated based on the rates determined according to the term and type of the letter of guarantee.

  • Advantages
  • Facilitated Business – Cost Advantage
  • Guarantee
  • Required Conditions
  • Charges

Foreign Trade Financing

  • Credit Letters

    With this foreign trade financing tool, sent to the bank of the exporting firm, the letter of credit indicating the conditions of loading time, terms of payment, the type and the price of the goods to be imported, the bank undertakes to pay the exporter of the goods once they are imported to the TRNC under the previously agreed conditions. If there is a condition indicating that the payment would be made following a pre-determined period after the shipment of the goods, then, the letter of credit is defined as a time letter of credit.

    This is a payment method which provides high level of safety both for the importer and the exporter. For the importer, the letter of credit carries the bank’s responsibility for payment of the goods that would be sent within the time limit and the terms agreed as per the contract, otherwise no payment would be made. The letter of credit guarantees the payment of the exporter once the conditions laid out in the letter of credit are upheld.

  • Types of Credit Letters
  • Required Conditions

    You need to have a credit limit or deposits before you are able to use the credit letter guarantee scheme.

  • Charges

    You can view the charges and the commission to be paid for letters of credit from the Rates menu

Granted, Loan Guarantees

With working our bank, credit documents against acceptance / goods in imports against giving the acceptances, the policies that you accept as a borrower, ensuring your name that it is payable on maturity of the policy. So you can get guarantee from KoopBank to pay the bills of exchange, you will have the opportunity to check the goods before maturity.