Investment Products

Fund Management
As Koopbank we offer Treasury Bonds, Government Bonds and Eurobond for those of our customers who would like to manage their money through medium to long term investments.
What are the features?
Bills are the subscribed securities with a term less than 1 year, guaranteed to be paid at term, and launched by the Under secretariat of Treasury of the Republic of Turkey. Such securities do not have coupon payments. It is paid at term (redemption date) together with its principal and its interest.
Bonds are the securities with a term over 1 year, with fixed or variable interest rate, also launched by the Under secretariat of Treasury of the Republic of Turkey. They are usually bonds with coupons. Interest (coupon) payments are done on determined dates. However, the principal payment is made upon term date along with coupon payment.
Eurobonds are the bonds of the State or the companies published out of the country of origin or exported with the aim of gathering resources from abroad. Their term varies from 5 to 30 years. Coupon payments for Eurobonds in $ are paid once every 6 months, and Coupon payments for Eurobonds in € are paid once a year. Such investment tools are particularly ideal for those who prefer to invest in foreign currencies.
Why Treasury Bonds, State Security Bonds and Eurobond?
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